Our Mission – B. Health Shop


We are committed to following the latest research and new frontiers in disease prevention and longevity of mankind through natural and non invasive means.


The rapid advancement brought about by AI and big data analytics, from years of research around the impact of nutritional molecules and diet  on health biomarkers and diseases, has been helping doctors and practitioners understand patients unique reaction to food, nutritional plans and supplements based on their symptoms as well as their genetics. 


While diet, environment and phycological  factors can up regulate or down regulate and sometimes even modify our genes; the exciting fields of nutrigenomics, photobiomodulation, bioenergetics and the human biome are going to personalized and precise solutions to individuals.


We are here to make these special formulations and precision medicine dietary supplements available to our network of doctors, clinicians and practitioners to help them change the face of healthcare as we know it.
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